Beginner’s Guide To Underwater Photography

The great thing when it comes to underwater photography is that it can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. And while there really are no set rules when it comes to underwater photography, other than RESPECT the marine life & its delicate ecosystem, we have some guidelines to follow to ensure you get the most out of your underwater sessions.

Guidelines To Underwater Photography

Patience Is Key-

You must have tremendous amounts of patience when it comes to underwater photography. Fish don’t understand time schedules and its best to keep in mind that you are in their environment. Relax, enjoy all the beauty that is around you, and wait for the magic to happen. It’s definitely different the shooting street photography!

Increase Your Chances-

The chance you have at magnificent shots is determined by you. You have to be comfortable in the environment you are shooting in in order to relax and really let your style and creativity flow. Go where you are the most comfortable and don’t be afraid to explore a bit or try out different shooting angles. You never know the beauty you might catch.

Variety of Lenses-

When shooting marine life completely underwater it is suggested that you use a fish lens. It lends rounded edges and a unique quality to your shots. A 12-50mm lens variety has a good range & can help with both close-ups underwater as well as capturing some great above water shots as well.

Customize Camera Settings-

Most underwater housings don’t allow you to change the settings once your camera is locked inside. Be sure to keep this in mind and set yourself up beforehand. You will thank yourself later and be glad you subtracted one last issue from your session.

Shoot When Conditions Are Good-

The ocean has a mind of its own and conditions can change on the spot. Make sure that good conditions are in store before planning an underwater photography session. If you notice a change in the currents, winds, or any other weather element it is best to save your shoot for another day. You don’t want to get caught in a potentially dangerous situation and marine life can sense a storm or rough waters coming as well!

Know Your Boundaries-

Know what you are and aren’t comfortable with when going in the water. If you are with others that are more comfortable than you and go outside your boundaries, don’t follow. It is never worth risking your safety or life for a potential shot. You need to establish your limits, know the ones you are comfortable pushing a bit and listen to yourself.

Underwater photography is a beautiful thing and encompasses and showcases a world that we don’t get a look at first hand. Aim to take some truly incredible pictures but don’t forget to soak in the beauty around you and to really enjoy yourself!